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  5. Box Pomodorini Rossi, Amalfi e Oplontis

Box Pomodorini Rossi, Amalfi e Oplontis

72.00 65.50
  • 8 Pomodorini Rossi Amalfi 
  • 8 Pomodorini Rossi Oplontis

Out of stock

Categoria: Box, Tomatoes

Cosa contiene il Box?

Il Box Pomodorini contiene:

  • 8 Pomodorini Rossi Amalfi 
  • 8 Pomodorini Rossi Oplontis

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Our strength

Our lands in the Vesuvius valley enjoy a unique microclimate,
excellent ventilation and what tomatoes need most: soil of
rich in pyroclastic material of volcanic origin, with a high amount of
phosphorus and potassium and pure water taken directly from the groundwater.
